Five times cacao is a woman’s biggest ally

Five times cacao is a woman’s biggest ally

Not many things bring me more joy than stumbling upon more scientifically proven reasons I love cacao so much (and, in all honesty, research to justify our daily drinking habits).

Today’s focus is on a subject very close to my heart: women. Most significant in this research is the fact that time and time again we are led to understand why it is so many of us crave chocolate during these more significant times: menstruation, pregnancy, and post partum. Our bodies are wise and wonderful - they know what we need. Our bodies know we need the iron, the happy hormones, the muscle relaxants and the gentle energy boost that cacao, in its most pure form, brings. Yet when we reach for a bar of chocolate, many of these benefits are dulled, even cancelled out, by the addition of sugar and cow’s milk and various emulsifiers and preservatives and additives found in regular chocolate or powdered cacao products.

We’ve broken the research down into four important times in our monthly cycle, and life cycle: during menstruation, while trying to conceive, when pregnant, post partum, and during menopause.



Cacao is a game-changer for PMS. Magnesium has been dubbed the "miracle mineral for periods" and cacao has an abundance of this natural powerhouse. Magnesium calms the nervous system and supports sleep, so its great for the headaches and mood swings associated with PMS, and its muscle relaxant properties may help with menstrual cramps.

Cacao is also high in iron, which helps the production of haemoglobin and healthy red blood cells - especially beneficial at times of blood loss.

And of course, cacao is an entirely healthy way of satisfying those inevitable chocolate cravings.



Research shows that cacao may improve fertility, through its miraculous ability to improve our mood, reduce our stress, and increase our essential mineral intake: all factors commonly associated with our ability to conceive.

Cacao contains phenylethylamine (PEA) which triggers the release of endorphins and mood-enhancing neuurochemicals in the brain. These are released naturally when engaging in sexual activity or when falling in love. Cacao also contains both tryptohan and valeric acid, both known to induce relaxation and reduce stress. Likewise, cacao is rich in magnesium - chronically deficient in western diets, and commonly used as a supplment to alleviate stress and improve sleep.

Cacao is also a rich source of essential minerals (zinc, iron, calcium, and manganese) which are important for hormone and alkaline balance.



The benefits of consuming moderate amounts of cacao during pregnancy are now widely known, and scientifically proven.

Most significantly is cacao's ability to reduce blood pressure, and improve blood flow to both the baby and the mother. This can largely be attributed to cacao's main stimulant: theobromine, which is a vasodilator. Vasodilators dilate our blood vessels, enabling blood to flow more freely throughout the body.

Cacao also provides a significant dose of the iron you need during pregnancy, and a substantial amount of antioxidants (40 times the amount per weight of blueberries!). But to note: calcium reduces the uptake of iron, which is one of the reasons we don't recommend mixing your cacao with cow's milk.


Cacao was used in traditional Indigenous cultures by mothers to regain strength after giving birth.

The natural antidepressant effects of cacao can help against postnatal depression. This is related to the production of dopamine, serotonin, anandamine (the "bliss" molecule") and PEA (as mentioned previously).

Theobromine, cacao's stimulant, can provide a gentle, energising lift that doesn't cause the potential agitation to both mother and child that coffee would.

Generally a lower dose is recommended - and we always recommend you speak to a health practitioner if you have any specific questions or concerns regarding cacao.



Like the other phases we've mentioned, all the benefits related to improving and balancing our mood, alleviating stress, increasing our energy, improving sleep and infusing us with essential minerals are all, of course, relevant here.

In addition, a recent study of menopausal women showed that when consumed first thing in the morning, cacao increased fat-burning, and helped women maintain or lose weight.

Also, because estrogen has a protective effect on the cardiovascular system, menopausal women are at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD). Cacao has a well-researched impact on cardiovascular health, which is largely related to the flavanoids in

cacao: a type of heart-healthy antioxidant that combats free radicals.

And finally, the flavanols in cacao also have the potential to accumulate in the brain and improve cognitive function, reduce brain fog, and combat the onset of Alzheimer's.